again with the hypocrisy - it's not murder because we deem it not so! I don't generally waste my time engaging on this subject but anyone who believes killing an unborn baby in the womb is ok is absolutely insane! The fact that you would argue semantics of legality when human beings are being eliminated and their "rights" are being ignored - that being the fundamental right to life. Now you'll probably argue that it's not human or not life - but if we find a single celled amoeba on Mars all the "scientists" will claim, "look life on Mars..." but if it's life in a womb - it's not really life. You don't get to pick and choose. You call it abortion - legal or not it's murder - it's premeditated, it's done with intent to cause death and it ends a life. I'm sorry you've been indoctrinated to the point you believe this is acceptable but hopefully one day you'll realize your error and come to your senses. If not - may YHWH have mercy on your soul. Good day!