From my perspective the females are brilliant, especially when it comes to social order, men are smart when it come to abstractions. Not saying that's not an impregnable barrier, both sides have their cross overs. But there have been monarchies that have catastrophes, and if we weren't busy blame fitting, well maybe both sides mess each other up, and what's the goal hear? Are we upset because the earth isn't heaven? Because powerful figures make controversial deductions based of some inner need to be quelled or Alieved? So buzzare that first world adult white males are the modern world escape goat. Is it discerned or stereotyped, but that's ok because it white people. You can publically disown them and it's kinda funny and easy, because slavery. It's white mans fault minorities have there American fused culture of hope and inferiority complex. So instead of looking at what white men have achieved, let us humble them for all the worlds people's problems. And discredit them. Sure that's what's going to stop black people from being black, Mexicans living in Central America, Asians from having poor governments and Indians from being suicidal. Maybe all cultures should value our contributions and praise our struggles that got us here.. I think we all worked together fantastically, besides many who did not