When haven't those on the left sought to destabilize America, pillage it's resources, brutalize it's people and, and generally make it not great all for the purposes of their own personal gain? Where you see the proliferation of the left, you see the diminishing of America, The Great. Pick a liberal metropolis. How well are they doing? The best you could mention is NY. But, I grew up there amid all the burned out rubble, drugs, joblessness, poverty, crime, pimps & hoes, wind blown trash, blood, piss, broken glass, bums, rats, roaches, water bugs, hopelessness, racism, and ghetto projects all fueled by liberal leadership. It took a conservative, albeit, a lax one, Rudy Giuliani, to clean it up and restore NY, including 42nd st, the deepest darkest cesspool in America, back to much of its former glory. The liberals have been working hard ever since to bring it back down again. Liberalism projects contrived discontentment appreciating noting and degrading everything. As imperfect as it is and has been, exemplified by the fact that even liberals run free here, when, during those times you mentioned (pretending you're correct), was America not the beacon of hope for all the rest of the world? You're just towing the liberal party discontentment line.