KenJ you posted this on my "Roseanne Liberal Double Standards" meme:
I'm sorry james3v6; as much as I would like to respect your religious beliefs, nothing here even has the faint gloss of the teachings of Jesus. I would suggest you examine your life and values before you meet your creator. I'm afraid in your case you will meet a maker you were completely mistaken about.
I am replying here because of rabid antitheists like Octavia_Melody.
I appreciate you wanting to respect my religious beliefs. People like OM, Marian V. Waffle, and Jackhen Off do not. They use vulgarity, profanity, and blasphemy to get a reaction out of me when they can't troll using wit. Either their ideas are so bad or they get so triggered that all they can do is curse and blaspheme. I don't want to give them an actual reasoned response because they won't accept it anyway.
The reason I use james3v6 as my screen name is to 1. allow people to know I am a believer 2. remind myself that while I may be anonymous to the other people online I am not anonymous to God.
That is why I don't use profanity and vulgarity to troll people. I don't use communication like that because I know that I will have to give an account of every "idle word spoken." I'm already going to have to give account for a lot of idle talk on the internet without adding the sins of vulgarity and "crude jesting" (dirty jokes.)
There is noting in Scripture that forbids me from going online to troll sensitive liberals, Leftists, and unbelievers for fun. That is all I am doing with a Donald Trump/Roseanne meme. If you think that I am defending DT, you don't know what I say and have said about DT irl. He is a w**remonger and adulterer. He has lived in that for years. I am under no impressions that he is any kind of a Christian regardless of what he says. He has used the facade of religiosity to pull the wool over the eyes of many sincere Christians. But he is excellent bait to troll for Leftists and to point out their double standards.
When people say I'm not acting "very Christlike" or I'm not reflecting the teachings of Jesus, I wonder "which" Jesus they are referring to. I'm guessing it is the culturally acceptable "lowly Jesus, meek and mild, who says, "I really want you to love me, I've done so much for you, I'd never judge you, I'd never hurt you, you're breaking my heart." The culturally acceptable Jesus is not the Jesus I want to represent.