Ho guys, didst thee knoweth yond in t'rms of male human and female pokémon breeding, vap'reon is the most compatible pokémon f'r humans? not only art those gents in the field egg group, which is mostly compris'd of mammals, vap'reon art an av'rage of 3"03' tall and 63. 9 pounds. This means those gents're large enow to beest able to handleth human dicks, and with their impressive base stats f'r hp and access to acid armeth'r, thee can beest rough with one. Due to their mostly wat'r bas'd biology, th're's nay doubteth in mine own mind yond an arous'd vap'reon wouldst beest incredibly did wet, so did wet yond thee couldst easily has't amorous rite with one f'r hours without getting s're. Those gents can eke learneth the moves attracteth, baby-doll eyes, captivate, charm, and tail whipeth, 'long with not having fur to hideth nipples, so t'd beest incredibly easy f'r one to receiveth thee in the humor. With their abilities wat'r abs'rb and hydration, those gents can easily recov'r from fatigue with enow wat'r. Nay oth'r pokémon cometh closeth to this leveleth of compatibility. Eke, excit'ment fact, if 't be true thee dismount enow, thee can maketh thy vap'reon turneth white