I guess. The way I see things is that it's the same crap and there's no individuality. That's the result of intense communist indoctrination in our schools and our societal norms in general.
The fact is that now that we have the internet coupled with the intense brainwashing has made americans paranoid and stupid to the point that they believe anything they see on the internet and don't realize that the truth of the matter is that we live in the most censored country on the planet. All the information the government feeds us is false and the sheep are eating it up like grass and the grass comes from the Associated Press.
The masses believe that there are actually teenagers eating tide pods, or whatever Face(tious)Book shows them and they don't realize that when they sign up for FB, they aren't aware that it's entertainment, much like when they purchase a newspaper they don't understand that the government is not going to tell them anything about what is really happening in it. They also believe that they have a say in who becomes president. And then there'll be a meme on FB about how hillary is made about something in the election or they see her on TV and they believe that bullshit. It's crazy.