Faith of humanity= -90000000000000000000000000000000909999990909909090000000000000000000000999999999000000099990088888888777777776666666655555544444333322221111112222333344455556677889900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000999000000000000090090909090900000000999999999990000000000000
Yep! Even if it's easy to get away, they will eventually find out if I'm on Imgflip, because they monitor our screens, like a school version of Big Brother!
I try to do that on my school computer, it works for most teachers, but not my science teacher. Whenever I'm on Imgflip, the creepy bastard sneaks up behind me and shouts: WHAT ARE YOU DOING. And I'm all like: OHMIGODHOLYSHITUWATDEF**K and I never get away with it...