Reddit shouldst starteth their owneth state. Bethink about t: t wouldst has't a much high'r iq than most oth'r countries. We couldst baneth tik tok and f'rtnite, and ev'ry comput'r did sell hast to cometh with minecraft preinstall'd. We couldst eke baneth emojis too.
we all has't v'ry valorous ideas about society and gov'rnment, so i bethink we wouldst beest far m're efficient. I've seen so many posts with so many valorous ideas, not to mention our state wouldst beest the most progressive and oth'r countries wouldst behold to us f'r direction. We wouldst easily becometh the next sup'rpow'r. If 't be true ev'ryone hath left am'rica f'r a new state, we wouldst easily surpass am'rica.
we couldst maketh keanu our president and has't pewdiepie on the flag. T wouldst beest the most wholesome state too!
those art just some ideas i has't and mine own owneth opinion