Thanks. :) Yeah, I know Benthespecture. He's trolled a lot of people but usually not very effectively. When I got tired of him I fired back a re-imagining of his usual Jesse Jackson/the question is moot image with some French sayings I pulled together using Google Translation and I think I confused him enough that I don't get his antics anymore. But yeah, if someone's really giving you heck I find ignoring them is best.
You think Benthespecture is BenTorrence? I defended him a few weeks back, trying to get him to defend his anti-religion memes but he was too stubborn to do anything but give out sullen one-sentence replies. I was mean to another user when I thought they were being too tough towards him, but I apologized to them last week when I figured out I was defending the wrong person. Stuff like that is why I try not to let my emotions come into play on here.