Oops, sorry, I didn't realize, LOL. I commend you for leaving the room instead of complaining.
My co-worker is straight up bitchy...she will actually hunt people down and terrorize them because she heard someone three cubicles away chewing gum (she's alienated quite a few co-workers this way). I'm in the cubicle next to her but still about 20 feet away, and once she started yelling me because I was eating Funyuns in my cubicle and she thought I was eating them loudly just to f with her (I wasn't trying to eat loudly and I didn't even know she had misophonia at the time). She also gets upset if I can't hear the noises from the other cubicles that are bothering her, while she's running two white noise machines in her cubicle! For some reason, she will not ask for a separate office to herself so that she isn't bothered, but expects the rest of us to walk on eggshells.
In the morning before work starts, she listens to music on her phone but will start singing along out loud (but sounds like she's slaughtering cats), hence the caterwauling. No one complains to her for that, though, even though they hate it.