Source a Breitbart article that endorses Nazism, racism, or white nationalism. Give me a video clip of Milo or Ben Shaprio espousing any of the *ethnocentric* *identity politic* rhetoric of Nazis/racists/white supremacists/nationalists. Or where either of them "praises Hitler." You can't. Don't you realize that both of those guys are Jewish? Milo is a homosexual who just got married to his black boy friend!
The fact that two groups, one of which is composed of hateful scumbags (Richard Spencer and his elk) and the other (Ben, Milo and other people who have written for Breitbart in the past) share many politically/economically conservative ideas DOES NOT mean that the two groups are equal and have the same goals or agenda.
So Milo was in the same bar as Spencer and some other Nazi saluting scumbags, and that puts him in league with them? Come on man, that is grasping... Have you listened to Milo defend himself about or just read his "response" in some article?