Looks like an interesting source. A decent starting point for research. I also like the TED talks. Again, a good start. The general media is limited because of the amount of bias that has led to the polarization you spoke of. I don't limit my research to a single article. One reason why I don't get into to many political sites anymore. I was the chief writer on one page until the owner decided to roll over when Hillary got the nomination. He's still banging that drum. Conservative Democrat. Party motivated. I was asked to do a progressive page, but the guy in charge only wanted to pass on other "progressive" opinions, usually a video. Wouldn't even bother putting a commentary on the videos he shared. Looking for the easiest way to get a story out. I turned down doing the Newslo thing because their "parodies" were anything but. They were definitely fake news and prided themselves in it. I've been burned by those sources that put parody as news and won't identify it. Back when it first started, I commented on the sample story they presented. It read as straight fact, but when I checked the "facts" I chewed him out. His comment was, "it's parody." But it wasn't. Not the way it was presented. It was written so the typical political moron would accept it as fact and forward the story on without thinking.