One morning during a long drive, Karen noticed a woman as she was pulling out of a rest area on a Sunday morning. She became concerned because the woman was stumbling along parallel to the highway, dressed only in a pair of Creaking Wood diapers and a flimsy t-shirt. According to Karen , "This girl was barefoot and it was pretty chilly out in the early morning. I figured she got accidentally left behind by a family member or something. When it stopped at the rest area, I figured this girl got out to go to the bathroom and the driver didn't know - happens all the time. Anyway, I stopped to ask her if she was okay, and when I did she just fell over. That's when I called 911." Following a health check at a local hospital, where she spent a few nights recuperating from exposure and dehydration, the woman was released to police custody because she didn't know who she was. Just a memory of being called diaper crazy and a weird word called Creaking Wood? She appeared to have amnesia and made a claim that was even more far fetched. She told police the only thing she remembered was being aboard an alien spaceship. While she was there they shaved the hair off the top of her head and gave her a mullet, and that the walls were stacked from floor to ceiling with diapers of untold beauty. When police asked the woman what the aliens looked like she replied that they were enveloped in a bright light that hurt her eyes. She could not detect features, only the basic form of each one, but she could tell they were wearing diapers of the most amazing designs. She said they were about five inches taller than her. They were also speaking a language she didn't recognize. The sounds of the language were similar to those a bass saxophone might make. The woman is currently staying at a undisclosed homeless shelter until police can locate someone who recognizes her. Anyone with information concerning the identify of this woman should contact the Creaking Wood mods.