I'm not suggesting that people be ill informed nor that they take anyone's word as the final authority on a subject, topic, or news story. We should always look for multiple sources. The more sources/counselors the better.
What I am warning against is constantly listening to people who have such political and/or ideological bias that they "spin" every story to fit their narrative.
I have found that to be truly informed we need to read and listen to multiple sources about the same topic or story. I prefer the alternative media to the corporate controlled political media.
We should listen to and read people who lean politically Left and those who lean politically Right but we should try to find and focus on those who are centrists/moderates and/or tell the story and give the views of all sides equally. They may totally disagree with the other sides views/opinions but at least they properly represent it. Some of my favorite moderate are Tim Pool, Phillip DeFranco, and Dave Rubin. To me they are much more Left on many topics than I would consider myself to be but they each give the other side a fair hearing/platform, something you would never find on any of the "alphabet news networks" including FOX.