COMPLETELY Facetious! The NFL doesn't make the owners do anything because the owners ARE the NFL. Noisy protests (on TV) may force mayors and governors and university Presidents to act in accordance with Progressive ideals because their used to pandering for votes or "public approval." Hell, half of Congress seems to be pulled and pushed by how things "look on TV." But will any media corporation allow the "News" division to mess with the REVENUE ($$$) that comes from and around NFL broadcasting? Not for a hot second!
And I would pay my money to see angry protestors show up at Foxboro thinking they could force a Brady-Kaepernick swap, wouldn't you? The New England fans would teach those asshats a lesson their parents failed to teach them: "Keep that Commie rot in the classroom, on the campus, 'cause it doesn't wash in the real world."
(Whew, got that off my chest! Thanks, Beckett437, I needed that.)