What excuse... unless you felt i was attacking your boy trump. Its simple economics man. Keep your costs low so your profits will be high... isnt how it works? Shit, why am i asking you? Sorry. Saying libtards can come up with an excuse for anything pretty much sounds like an excuse in itself. If your a trump supporter so be it but dont go blindly insulting people because party of allegiances. You really think a man involved in business like trump hasnt followed this economic formula? The rich always use the poor for their gains since forever. Dont hurt this country because you have a person or party to follow and for some reason want to ignores logic and human nature. I dont care whose in office as long as they try and better this country and not their own party. Oh and what terrorists are you guys talking about cus trump banned them. So who is coming over here and killing us? Everyone quit mouthing statements and have an actual thought behind things. Quit being political party sheep. Instead of calling me a libtard maybe explain yourself. Maybe i will understand were your coming from. I took the time explain this f**king meme and its basic message. Thanks for your valuable input Giantsqounk. Oh now if those minorities speak out trump can have their families deported because being honest a few of them have members here illegally# win-win