Good enough. As long as you put some thought into.
As for bringing in outside stuff, YES!
If i dont see this place turn towards a moderate position, ill dump ever drop of angst o can find and then some.
I know enough about those users to question if they drew fire but nothing more.
I've personally targeted Octavia for stances that i thought were to far, so my sympathies... are watered down.
I think you guys should step away from the keyboard.
You left leaners ought not to "follow the flow" this time around.
I see incitement, and i'll just blanket this place with obvious poison to drown out garbage.
I'm totally sober and broke, lol.
INTJ/P is my natural personality. Subtype: Armchair General and/or Silver Bullet.
It's a trap.
Just do your meeting, put up a virtue signal meme and watch a movie.
I'm not touching this crap for at least 36 hours.
I jammed up enough blocks to make ya'll second guess, and Raydog is apparently has a degree.
All the media main and alternative is on full tilt bias.
Theyre excited for the Charlottesville town meeting.
Also, apparently sports is under attack by the left wing censors.
Thats a poor idea.
As for the anti liberal meme, its totally generic. I was just saying its transparent, dumb and counterproductive to whatever its supposed its supposed to be. Dont axe it for craps sake.
/end rant/