yes. that's true. men are NOT interested in SEX right after understanding what it is and where it takes them=SLAVERY. They are interested in DESIRABILTY and when the OPPORTUNITY shows up, they DELIVER with A LOF PERFORMANCE ANXIETY, because they ARE NOT DESIGNED to be BOYTOYS for DESPERATE for a husband females and gays who think they are females but looking for PROVIDENCE and SELLIBILITY, and the OPERATION always FAILS. Bceause nobody wanted SEX to begin with, unless the reason was to MULTIPLY, and that is not SEX but asking FATHER if this UNITY is BLESSED and if they SHALL provide for HEAVEN KINGDOM, then everything is with HIS APPROVAL and SUPERVISION, not in PERVERSION, and that is two becoming ONE in flesh, and that is CALLED LOVE MANIFEST and not two pieces of meat doing WEIRD ACTS of VIOLENCE and AGGRESSION with A LOT of AIM but no BRAINS. A man needs to respect HIMSELF and not allow this, and find a LADY know does not fake meaty games to get what they are after and FAKE IT, but PROVIDE EXCELLENCE as a LIFE MATEMAIDHELPER in their ANGELIC SELVES, and TAKE both the HEAVEN whre they CAME from. (yes I ended the sentence with a prepostion, and I have a propoistion, we are going to heaven, go with?)