And you said that you would start apologizing to people. To prove you're not a liar, apologize to TigerLegend why don't you? And if you don't, wouldn't that make you a liar...?
Lol, reposting is working hard to 123Guy. Thanks for reporting it. And he said that he'll stop, but you can clearly see he hasn't. He needs to leave the site.
EVERYONE thinks you're pathetic. What do you think everyone is saying to you? Everyone disagrees with you. You should know about copying. You always comment "This is a repost." and then go ahead and repost something on your profile.
EVERYONE does. Notice how memes are being made about you leaving this site. I see no memes about me.
You are pathetic. Leave this site and never come back.
0 ups, 8y
ITZ ON RECORD LIL FELLA. U WISHED I WD DIE FROM MY CANCER AND EVERYONE WILL GET TO SEE THAT LITTLE LIAR. Maybe u shd delete ur account and spare urself what is coming. Cuz i don't think ull like getting what uve earned.
0 ups, 8y
Whutz comming? Jesus_Milk gawt uh skrene shawt iv yoo sayn yoo wishd i wf dy frum myy cancer and hee sed heed meem itt. Didd u 4get? U thinnk thatt wil goe wehl 4u?
0 ups, 8y
Hy evrybuddy ime 231gy iym uh sahree lidl trole an iff eye hadd eevn wun brayn sel eyedd leev heer ad nevur coum bak.
0 ups, 8y
*i* think ur pathetic. So there ya go. Wanna wish that i die from my cancer again sweet lil fella?
0 ups, 8y
"I never wished anything" SUCH A SAD LITTLE LIAR u were told it was going to be memed for all 2c