Ways to get to front page:
* Make good memes. You are now playing to a world audience, so your memes have to be relevant to the world at large. Users can be in any age category and have diverse interests. You have to aim your memes at as large of a group as possible.
* Build yourself a fan base. How? Comment and upvote on memes other's use. Keep your comments positive and humorous, and don't troll.
** Ways to do this: set yourself a goal of commenting on 10 memes a day. Not your memes, 10 other memes. The most effective method is to select 5 from Page one and five from Latest. Page One gets you noticed (helps to build a fan base) while the comments in Latest puts your wit out there in the ether. You may get feed back on a comment several days after the fact.
*** Commenting on your own memes. If someone comments on your meme, immediately upvote them. Reply to their comment, even if it's a simple LOL. When you are able to meme comment, it gets better because you earn more points that way and it's a great way to stretch your humor skills. Humor IS an artform, and never forget it. But ALWAYS upvote the commenters. They took time to do so. If their comment is funnier than your meme, think before posting, and try and make your comment funnier. Funny comments and replies enhance the value of the meme. You rarely see a meme on Page One that has zero comments. Least comments right this moment is Raydog's dancing Groot upvote gif.
* Give it time. You've been here less than a week and posting with seasoned vets that have built up their fan bases using these methods. Got friends at school/work? Tell them about it. Share your memes on Facebook and other social media. It will come to you.