No! Don't delete your comment. It is good. Using Randy Savage in a meme is a joke saying how "savage" your comment is and that is a good thing.
However, I will disagree that the "only weapon" Islamists have is our fear. I think they have a second weapon, especially in this politically correct culture: that weapon is GUILT. They use it especially on liberals and progressive social justice warrior types who are afraid to be called "islamophobes." That is why so few people speak out against the ideology behind the people who "hide behind" religion to do evil. They don't want to be called "islamophobes" so they say that "terrorism has nothing to do with Islam."
You have to understand that the type of people who detonate bombs in concerts full of little girls believe the Koran literally. Not all Muslims do but those who do believe it literally will kill other people and even other Muslims over it.