i had one just the other day, there was a a ten guy someone posted "addicted to soap, but i'm clean now"...did you see that one?
i wanted to do a reply based on an old joke we had here when i was a boy....a guy steals a bar of palmolive soap and the judge sentences him to ten years in prison, the guy says "ten years? for stealing a bar of palmolive?" and the judge says, "you're lucky it wasn't life boy!" but it doesn;t work for Americans, because the funny bit is we have soap here called, "lifebouy" which we pronounce "Life Boy", but you guys say "boo-ey"
so the judge saying, "you're lucky it wasn't life boo-ey" just doesn't work...you see the struggles i have to go through just to earn a few points here!? FML :p