Without a formal declaration of war by the US Congress, and without a UN resolution calling for military action against Syria, and with no direct, imminent. or immediate threat to US national security, Trump's bombing of Syria was a deliberate violation of international and US law by Trump, punishable by imprisonment, or even death by hanging. We hanged Nazis and Japanese leaders for the exact same crime after WWII. In fact, it was those very same crimes that led to WWII.
While it isn't very likely, it is still POSSIBLE that such acts, If they continue to happen, very well COULD lead to WWIII.
He may be the President, but he is STILL subject to US and international laws.
I got no problem with destroying WMDS, or even punishing a nation which uses them, especially on civilian targets. But if he wants to do it, he needs to do it the RIGHT way, the LEGAL way, by obtaining the proper and legal authorization for military action by a UN resolution, or a formal declaration of war by Congress, or by congressional acts that were passed allowing immediate undeclared military action to defend US national security interests against a deliberate and imminent threat or attack by another country or a terrorist entity such as al Qaeda or ISIL.
Trump has in fact, committed a war crime.by acting without proper authorization. He is the President, and subject to the US constitution and international laws and treaties. He is NOT an all powerful king or dictator who can make war anytime he wants against anyone he wants just to draw attention away from his own legal problems, or to boost his political popularity at home among his redneck supporters, or to boost his own ego by appearing to have big balls, when in fact his is just trying to compensate for having a tiny dick!