International Woman's Day? That the Democrats are so proud of? Brought to this country by the Socialist Party in 1909.
And was used to bring down the Russian Empire in 1917...
... allowing Lenin to take Russia into Communism who laid the foundation for the Soviet Union...
... which failed in less than 75 years.…/…/fall_of_the_soviet_union.asp
Socialism needs division to gain hold of a culture. It's why the Democrats love dissecting society into whatever they can. It's where class envy comes from, it's where racial tensions originate, It's the roots of civil unrest. Why can't we all just be Americans?! All this does is cause division. How? It feeds people's egos concerning what they are instead of what they do. Once you buy into that?... you feel, and then demand entitlements. Which is the goal of socialism. Make you dependant on them. All based on emotion. Normally fear and/or jealousy.
This is why the left looks down on patriotic Christian folks (notice I didn't mention class, race or gender. Even though I just did. Still I would like to think you get the point.) We are still the majority in this nation and we are blocking the DNC's efforts to bring their version of nirvana to the world (which is ruling over us, the working class and the poor.) The unwillingness of the majority to submit to standards other than the rule of law by our Constitution and/or the Bible drives them nuts!
Good grief! So many people are so deceived by the Democrats people (mostly women) are walking around with va**na hats. And they're wearing them on their heads!!! Proudly!!! lolololo!!!