I don't have time to watch an hour long video, but 15 minutes in and I can tell that this is yet another "minor suspicion=conclusion" video and banks on a global conspiracy between all governments. However, if there is something important I missed, feel free to tell me. In the meantime, I will use the sun to disprove the flying space pizza. In a flat earth, the sun will travel along a line of latitude depending on the time of year (e.g. traveling along the tropic of Cancer or Capricorn during the solstices). This would make it day all the time. So the sun would need a "lampshade" that, since half of the earth is day at a time, lights up exactly half the earth. Do you not think we would notice such lampshade? Not only this, but the lampshade would have to change shape since more light must be allowed the further away the sun gets from the north pole. Not only should there be some kind of sign that a lampshade for a big ball of flaming plasma exists, but it has no scientific rhyme or reason! Watch https://youtu.be/TeMooNFtFJk and the rest of the series for more info.