satan loves churches.. there are a lot of wicked people pretending there… this is not about religions really. it is about people. My FATHER YAHUAH does not care about religions. He said COME to ME through MY SON. that is what i did. Nobody taught me anything. My KING and MY FATHER judged me, healed me, trained me. HIS SET APART SPIRIT leads My FATHER's SPIRIT in me. And when I met HIM, I didn't know about HIS SON. HE HIMSELF gently guide me…Without MY KING, I could NOT know MY FATHER. Without MY FATHER, I could NOT be ONE with MY KING…I have a covenant with MY FATHER, I do NOT share this with anyone. He gives me MIRACLES and gifts from HEAVEN every single day. I do NOT share these with ANYONE, either. When you do, you can NOT be so CLOSE to HIM. You must put these things into your heart. And ONLY SHARE what HE allows you to share. Most people want to be admired and they fall into traps. And they fall in LOVE their own LOVE and their own UNDERSTANDING of who HE SI. I AM IN LOVE with HIM. This is very different. HE gives me TRUE MEANINGS of things. HE made me a NEW THING and is teaching me a NEW LANGUAGE. If someone does NOT love HIM, they can NOT understand me because HE does NOT allow it. UNDERSTANDING comes from HIM.
Thank you for getting me talking.:)