I totally agree with you. There is worse ways to kills brain cells. I find it wierd that irs totally accepted when celebs get f**ked up and do dumb shit. But when i do it on the train its"offencive". Annnnnd probably illegal lol :)
Lol true. Its usally the dumb shit I do while high that kills brain cells. Personal and professional relationships. My car and the general will to live. Execpt eating pizza and tormenting the cat with a lazor pointer. That shits halarious lol :)
Ileagal. But it depends on what state you are in and how much you have on you at the time. They are trying to bring in medical laws in other states but
Lol yeah last week a friend got the clap
Nothing to do with anything its just that for three hours we were so wasted that all we could do was point and laugh :)
And yes to be honust i do agree with what you are saying. Controlled or bot ir should be a taxable choice .as it is tolerated yet carrys a penalty .the better lawyer you have the more tolerated it is. Unfortunately the hypocrisy is criminal not the act itself :)
I had a relitive who was in berlin when they tore down the wall and he broght pieces with him back. So i have a chunck with paint form one of the murals. Kind of a morbid period of history
Breeding fear to control a populus is as old as the green shit in the back of my fridge. Which reminds me. Need to buy more beer on the way home lol :)
Lol i personally think the whole world needs to pull there head out of their "safe place" and grow. The f**k up. O an yeah gran.. god bless her sole grew some hell dank buds lol i ummm. Long story short she looked after my garden when i went away for on a work detail and when i got home my "garden " was nothing short of freaking awesome :)
Yeah . . Yeah man . Well read. Well traveled. Very educated. And put up with my shit way toooooo long. And very missed.. And yeah time to smoke em if ya got em :)