If this is about women's rights, we're not saying you can't speak your mind, this is actually a pretty good quote, and we don't have anything against strong women or strong female role models. We're just saying that there is nothing wrong with women's lives in America. NOTHING. There is no inequality. If someone said something actually sexist to you, than they're sexist. However, the majority of Americans are not sexist AT ALL. Think of it this way: If a man couldn't do it without people freaking out, than there IS inequality there. But not against women! I know because I AM a woman in America! And I'm not walking around wearing a hat around my head that's made to look like . . . well, you know. I'm all for equality, I'm all for a woman standing up for herself. But it's not like that has NEVER happened before. The reason why there are more male scientists than female ones, is because not as many women are interested in the field. Simple. As. That.
It's 2017, and there has never been a better time to be a woman. And frankly, it's been like that for a few years, Girl.
So I am an American woman who has just as many rights as you do, and we both have just as many rights as every man does. And until a feminist gives me living, undeniable proof of oppressed females in America, or a wage gap, or anything else, I stand by what I've said.