Uh, no ... I live in Texas and he's done a lot to represent this state in a good way. And he does what he says he's going to do. I would say he's one of the few persons in government that ISN'T a piece of shit.
The only thing he's done that I saw and liked was his speech about not signing the internet over to the UN. :{D
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Yeah, I was against Trump in the primaries, but the I like his running mate and Secretary of Defense. I voted Cruz in the primaries, but voted Trump in the election.
Lol true. Could you imagine it being a compolsery part of an eye exam lol :) now stare into the monitor mr smerkin and explain in your own words what you see lmao :)
Yeah i don't get that fetish at all man. There is just some shit that ain't right. Now spit on me and slap my man sausage with a stale bread role while singing the national anthem of denmark in german lmfao
Lol awesome. Not sure bro but will google it. Hay ...my naibours asked me if i would kindly shut up for 4 a bit. Lucky im still playing my drum kit at 3 a.m or they might of woke me up ;)
Who am i kidding ? I have know idear what he wanted lol something about" the look on his face. As i answered the door in rubber with a i love Lucy sticker in my hand that scared him off l.:) weirdo ...every street has one lol