Why? About half of the country didn't vote at all this election and of the ones that did about half didn't vote for him. Of the group that did vote for him, a large percentage did so as "Anybody But Hillary". That Includes Republicans not thrilled with him to begin with, Democrats and independents that were either pissed that Sanders was cheated out of the nomination, or those independents that would vote for " Anyone But Hillary" you can propose it, but many will say "meh". Trying to think what the last song I downloaded was. I believe it was Nikki, by Burt Bacharach. Not sure if thats the title, But that was several years ago. I don't go to concerts because I have better things to spend my stipend on.
What happens when a boycott is called for like this? Remember the Chik Fil A boycott a few years back? It had to do with gay rights. Their restaurants were packed. Look at the list of names that have declined. How many personally affect you? How much have you spent on their merchandise in the last decade? I can tell you flat out that I haven't spent a dime on any of their merchandise or concerts. If I'm near a TV and they're on, I might watch, but even money in the jukebox goes to artists who are no longer with us.
You wanna do something, do it positively. Start buying Jackie Evancho recordings. Even at the age of ten, she had a beautiful voice. I can only imagine it today. Get your friends to support her, too. Don't like opera? Neither do I, but I love her contemporary songs. Support her. Go see the Rockettes perform. I've not heard of any of them backing out. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir? Visit Salt Lake City and see them perform.
Boycotting is easy: supporting is tough.