"Straight white boys have smaller minds than most people."
I find your lack of self-awareness amusing. See... when I said that "there are no offensive words, only offended people" then I meant it literally: There are no offensive words. Offense can only arise out of the meaning of those words, you can only be hurt by the information those words carry.
Now, when I call a n*gger a n*gger, that means absolutely nothing. It's just a word, an insult used exclusively against n*ggers. Just as f*ggots is just an insult for f*ggots. All it really means is "I am pissed off at you right in this moment or in general". A n*gger or f*ggot who objects to you using those terms is saying "I don't want anyone to express anger towards me". That is authoritarian and a horrible and self-destructive mindset.
When you, however, say sentences like "Straight white boys have smaller minds than most people." then that is actual racism and sexism - and heterophobia, I guess? The words themselves are entirely innocuous, but what they mean strung together like that is " I view whites, males and heterosexuals as somehow lesser than me".
So what you just said is a representation of the actual concepts whose mirage you previously objected to.
In the end I can only advise you to clear your thinking - go deep inside yourself ("Oh my!" "Not that way!") and think: What have I previously connected to harmful streams of thought such as racism and sexism (innocuous sungular words such as n*gger or f*ggot) and what actually are indicators for those streams of thought ("you heteros" "you straight white males"). because only that way can you create a world free of such ways of thinking - not by banning words or some such nonsense, but by correctly identifying attitudes and dealing with them.
Then again, you can just remain a butthurt (pun intended) little f*g with racist, sexist and heterophobic tendencies.
I think that choice is easy to make - what do you think?