Where is the line drawn between a compliment and harassment? "You look nice today" has been reported as harassment, and that's just putting on decent clothes. Sexy clothes? Don't be offended if the compliments have sexual innuendos. "You look sexy" would be cause for a harassment charge. Even a wolf whistle or "hubba hubba" should be considered an expected compliment for dressing sexy, but they are alsocause for a harassment suit.
I will admit that negative comments of a sexual nature should be considered cause for a complaint. Such comments would be, "you look like a high priced hooker", " all you're missing is a mattress tied to your back so you can go down the street yelling curb service", and "so, what will twenty bucks get me".
Dressing sexy is generally inappropriate for the workplace, church, and PTA meetings. It is appropriate if you're looking to pick up a sex partner for the night, going out with a romantic mate, or if your a hooker, but not much else.
As the mores of society change, rules are made up on the fly and changed just as fast. 15 years ago, I complimented a co-worker on her beautiful smile. I got away with it because she had a positive attitude. Part of why her smile was so beautiful. If I said that to a co-worker today, chances are ID be hit with a harassment charge before I could say another word.