I can't see what you previously replied because you deleted the meme.
You are putting yourself at risk by posting your personal information and the images of the nature you do. Not everyone is as open-minded as many of the top memers on the site.
Every account and meme you have ever made are still part imgflip's records. Just because you delete them and make a new account does not mean they are gone. One subpoena from any law enforcement organization and they will have access to everything they need to press charges. Seeing how you've already contacted minors on the site, there's a chance you've broken laws.
I don't think you understand the extent of what I will do to see something through to it's legal end. I just wanted to get a cab driver in trouble with bosses. For that to happen it ended up being a four month process, I took a few hours off work to go to court, and the cab driver had to pay a fine of several hundred dollars. The Taxi Commission was involved, and they in turn asked me to contact police and it ended up going to court. All that because a simple phone call wasn't enough and the cab company wanted my help to get him in trouble.
Imagine the legal lengths I will go to if I find one of my fellow memers has been sexually harassed on here. Every questionable meme or comment you make gets saved in a file I've already built to provide to law enforcement once a specific line is crossed.