"Agent MOLDer" Meme
What's up players? I present you all with my "Agent MOLDer" meme! I made a few of these stupid memes a couple months ago, but they're listed as having been made by an anonymous user.. Well, today that all changes because I'm putting my name on this dumb shit and the meme is now ready for mass creation and circulation! Here's a little information on the meme: basically a buddy and I were joking and laughing about jerking off (probably stoned) but instead of using the word "jerking" we substituted it for "molding" and somehow that evolved into us saying "Agent MOLDer-ing" as a play on words by incorporating the word "molding" into Agent Mulder's name from the X-Files, thus resulting in a bunch of stupid alien/masturbation/xxx-files jokes and subsequent memes! Please enjoy and you're welcome. The skeet is out there...