M'kay so basically, what we need to do now is get each of the head engineers from all of the automobile manufacturers who sell cars here in the U.S., m'kay, and make all these engineers sit in front of the government and under the public scrutiny, m'kay. Then, we instruct these engineers to design a set of standardized exchangeable batteries for electric vehicles, m'kay, so that we can then have these engineers design corresponding sets of standardized exchanging methods for battery exchange stations, m'kay. Once these two groups of standardized sets are engineered, m'kay, we can then move forward with developing a nationwide system out of today's existing infrastructure by means of renovations and modifications to existing facilities, m'kay, as well as building new pieces to the existing system. M'kay? It's not threatening, when you think about it logically, m'kay, shifting from one power source to another, different source of stored energy. M'kay?