;) Seems nice someone would actually step away from their secretive duties to acknowledge a thanks. I just relayed to BLACKattack how I once got caught in 'improve your commentary' h3ll once - due to one risque meme comment and more probably due to getting flagged by a certain overly-passionate political type for me daring to debate against their beliefs (he did it to others) - and I used the e-mail address below the front page to argue my defense on free speech grounds and got back on in a short time; I couldn't prove that helped, but I didn't really improve my commentary that much beforehand. So the mods apparently aren't heartless automatons. :)
Damn! for some crazy reason my work computer isn't allowing me to access it - it's on blocked mode (dunno why). Send me another link and I'll try tomorrow (about to leave for home). Looking forward...