The bible speaks of the earth having 4 corners and covered by a firmament. The bible says at first there was nothing by a black void, then God said, " Let there be light.", and there was light. That's the creation of the universe. Ask a scientist how the universe became to be and they'll say, "The big bang." But can't tell who or why it went bang. BANG! And there was light! I'm doing exactly what science is: studying reality and making hypothesis about it. I don't claim to know it all, but I do know, some religions and governments lie to their citizens and the world. You don't think a government with a $20,000,000,000,000.00 debt over budget would fib?? I invite you to delve into researching it just as I have with an open mind. When I first heard of the flat earth and hollow earth theories, I also thought anyone mentioning it maybe nuts. So, if we have all these wonderful satelites orbiting our round spherical globe capable of beaming our transmissions anywhere on earth from point A to point B, why waste billions of dollars on cables that cross the ocean floor from one continent to the next???