I see you have an infestation of butthurt trolls on this meme and others though. Just hope you don't let the pricks get to you. They're just butthurt losers who fantasize that they're somehow cool, so don't mind them. :{D
Yeah. The troll storm blew over a while ago, mainly it was kosheRocker, ChristainsAreAsshole, and BernieShouldOfWon.I have reason to believe they're all koshe's alts.
The funny thing is you had KR and two "other" trolls at first. Same with mine. I had KR then two "others". The extra two were because he couldn't rustle your jimmies.
To me, all six are just alts of KR. That's how he uses imgflip.
I've left feedback on it too. And I think they're slowly doing stuff since now their comments are low rated.
I'll keep helping you out if they try to mess with your comment rating too. F**k the butthurt trolls. :{D
Also someone named themselves "C**tierCommenter" nad "DumpTrump." It's pretty pathetic, but I was able to hold all five of 'em off. will you do me a favor and flag these users? the mods haven't done anything about it, even after my reporting.
Holy shit. You did it. You attempted and failed to win an argument over the damn Internet. (Just like your mother attempted and failed to abort you). Oh, you'll have such a successful carrier. Biggest accomplishment in your shit life.
I think you may be secretly reflecting on your own. Wtf do you mean by carrier? Like a aircraft carrier? LOL That would be GREAT! I would order all the jets on board to zip around you loaded with missiles shaped like cocks. Bet you would love to have one aimed at your pie hole :D
Awww. All of your alts are glad to see you! Now now, go back to fapping with that little thing alone in the corner. Then again, I doubt I even need to tell you that.
Fine. I'll start a comedy career. First joke:
Your account.
Next joke:
Your dad's condom.
(People laugh at fails, so I thought the last one would work)
Oh? Conservative Christ white boy? If I said "classic liberal Muslim black girl", your panties would be in the worlds biggest not. You're literally at the point where you're an alternate account saying "fuk ur god" on the Internet. Go kill yourself before you reproduce. I'm being serious. Drink antifreeze.
The only person who needs mental help is the one who doesn't even now how to use the word "of." Yep. You're so f**king stupid you don't understand prepositions.
Also, nice insults "ur stoopid an U h8 ppl an u suk cokc." Never heard that one before
Oh hi there! I think I remember you... or maybe it was somebody else idk. Anyway, nice argument you have with this dude. Glad to make more friends against Dump!