YES Trump and Pence in fact DO!
*when you're such a f**king hypocrite you accuse the GOP of making conspiracy theories and yet here your dumbass is, accusing the nominee of having ties to the f**king KKK.*
They are both in a political party originating from the same team as the KKK
*your dumbassery is off the charts. Holy shit. If we use your logic: Hilary is anti-gun. Adolf Hitler was anti- gun. Therefore, Hillary=Adolf. Your guilt by association fallacy just got f**king eviscerated. Now go weep in the corner.*
Also don't you f**king DARE push aside the damn nazis. They still exist and need to get a knife up their add through their f**king airheads!
*LOL you are so f**king sad. Nazis = bad. No shit. That's radically left wing fascism for you.*
You seem leading towards denial of the holocaust and there will be a shitstorm coming towards you for it.
*damn. You're IQ is going negative. If your dyslexic ass read my initial comment, you'd've seen I said the holocaust "ended 70 years ago", implying it happened in the first place. You belong in a zoo.*
I will rio you and your church and your Jesus and your Damn god to SHREDS!
*Oh. Shit. I am f**king trembling. A pasty edgelord over the Internet is going to "rio me to shreds". Sadass fedora neckbeard, also an Internet tough guy. Don't spill mt. Dew on the keyboard.*
You are lighting a dude and I just know you are gonna set me off. Of you want to stay on imgflip you better have a good rebuttal....
*I'm going to set you off? You admit you're a triggered little f**kboy. Now go cry to the mother that should've aborted you.*