Thank you, for Ozbeck. What do you have in mind? There are many safe opportunities.
You seem to be blaming me for something, for which i am not responsible.
i would appreciate your assistance. im visually impaired from cymbalta and have plans to create a ALLEGEY ALERT MOVEMENT. I can explain.
Message our volunteers at Cymbalta Dangers International Facebook page, for fastest response. Thanks.
As long as you agree to be kind, respectful, and agree to the 5% maximum reduction method,... the previous 10% was too fast. ..
Too much suffering snd deaths.
Since last post, ive turned a corner re the cause. Ive taught many more to research and educate drs, and make better choices.
Ive proud to have helped sufferers in support group 24/7, drs health pros, including ucsf and stanford neurology depts, have adalted the new plan.
I save lives and teach how to deal with uncooperative drs, to end the madness.
The slow taper method and support is critical to getting free of needless addictive drugs, that cause one to the target of fearful and confused reactions, from too many people. That's all changing now.
May i ask, how to better connect with you, for more constructive communications?
I am aiming to cause the manufacturers to stop making these drugs, by public awareness.
Enter all SSRIs and SNRIs, onto your patient's formal medical records, while you are able. This will also force drs to stop labeling patients as difficult or uncooperative, if refusing risky, useless, addictive, problematic ineffective rx drugs and treatment.
I am the safest rx advisor in the world, actually.
Im more experienced at exempt income tax preparation than tax pros and irs officials. Im more educated on rx antidepressants than most drs. Im an expert and experienced support group leader, and ask, are you ok?