Also reason is because a mod has to look to approve the image/template, and even when it's approved, I understand that memes feature in batches in order of creation date, so they will be at the end of the batch if they were submitted/created much earlier. I used to create memes ahead of time, then time the submission. It does help a bit, but actually creating the meme at the time you want to submit it, is better. Also it appears that memes feature on the hour, that are a batch of memes from previous hour (>1 hour old), so creating/submitting close to the end of the hour may end up near the top of the latest. I have gotten to the top of the latest, but sometimes I didn't get featured when I thought, like I missed the cutoff point. For example if you create and submit right now at 11:55, you may feature around 1am near the top of the latest.