Pam Anderson? This is going to be hot! lol
Whoa though. How do they know the chicken's throats are burning? That chicken they showed looked hot, but there's no way to tell if it's throat is burning.
I have chickens and yeah the poop smells, but I've never had breathing problems over it.
And the broken leg thing, she then mentions that one of the causes is them going to slaughter. WTF? It wouldn't matter then, they're going to be killed in a matter of minutes.
Also, sometimes another chicken can inflict that level of damage.
And yeah, the dead chickens in buckets are gross, but a chicken in the wild wouldn't know to stay away from dead chickens any better than one of those.
And the amount of chickens and their close proximity to one another? Again, in the wild, chickens would be living close to each other like that, granted there wouldn't be as many.
She says they have their throats slit while alive. Duh, of course that's what happens.
And she says they never feel the earth under their feet. What do you thik soil is made of? It's mostly animal's poop.
They also do get sunlight through the sides of those coops, but during the heat of the day, you don't want them to suffer so OF COURSE they're under a roof. lol
Oh, and you know how they kept showing chicks with messed up legs? You know that happens naturally to them when they come out of the eggs wrong. OR if they have genetic defects. OR if the development of the egg was affected by damage to the mother, say, form another chicken.
The beak cutting. The beak is like a fingernail or hair though(which she denies). And HTF do they know it's painful for them or painful for them to eat?!? Did they hook up EKG's or something? lol
The catching part is the worst part to me. Yeah throwing them like that IS cruel.
Okay and how she says some birds are still alive. NOPE. That's all nerves twitching.
The abuse section is OBVIOUSLY those specific employees. And OF COURSE PETA would say that KFC did nothing about that. It serves to push their narratives.
She also makes a claim that chickens are at least as intelligent as dogs and cats. NOPE. I know chickens. They're less intelligent by a long shot.
Chickens are cruel to each other like most animals. You should see what quails do to each other.
BUT this video was uploaded to youtube in 2007 and looks like it was shot in the 90's. That's 20 years ago. Do you really think it speaks to modern day KFC?
A little misleading, that video is. :{