Most of my beliefs are conservative:
•2nd amendment
•the constitution
•anti big government. I'll pitch in some taxes then stay the hell out of my life
•work hard = make more $
The other beliefs i have that get me calked a liberal are:
•I'm against fracking after researching it, and understanding the fracking corporations deception of the public, the bribery of politicians and disrespect of the people's water sources they destroy.
•Im anti GMO
•I believe immigrants shouldnt be the scapegoat of a government that fails to address the issue and resolve it. Most folks that bitch about immigrants forget that their grandpa's grandpa came here on a boat. Thats only 5 generations ago.
•Im pro-environment. If you cant drink the water or breathe the air, nothing else matters.
From my experience, i generally get called a liberal by conservatives that are not fully informed or educated about the issue we're debating. Im for jobs and hot showers. I just realize solar energy is put on the back burner not by market forces but rather government policies, despite research showing solar is more efficient to heat water than methane in every aspect. Maybe im a liberal conservative or a conservative liberal. I think thats part of the problem with the USA: Everyone thinks you have to be either a liberal or conservative or a democrat or republican...i think they all pretty much suck. Theres more than just the 2 parties or left or right