People like you scare me because they allow you to vote. You have your head shoved so far up your ass, it's scary to think you may procreate aswell, you redneck, fear mongering soul. Yes the other two were terrorist attacks, we know that cuz we got facts now, they were both immigrants. It's not deflecting to bring up Columbine because even the shooter had literature on the subject of child killers, he studied it for f**k sakes, so by your reasoning the two shooters at Columbine, Klebold and the other one, name escapes me, are also terrorists, but christian terrorists? You want have it one way for one shooter, and the other way for another shooter to suit your agenda. We can agree it was a terrible tragedy that could have bin avoided, not an act of out right Islamic extremism, its right there in print, but your head is still so far up your f**king ass, that you cant f**king get past your own f**king ideals, and don't wanna admit you missed the mark on your assumptions.