think about it, Why would somthing create humans and place them on a planet that was clearly a poor choice for them, not being able to breathe underwater on a planet surrounded by 70% water seems stupid, i'd beleive more in the roman gods, just for the fact they were actually people in life, great warriors scholars ect ect, the reason i dont like christianity and any religion for that matter is that they try to dictate how you live your life, YOUR LIFE! Its not a deities life, it's yours, YOU make the decisions that impact the world, YOU make the decisions that affect those around you, It's called free will. In many religions it says that in each respective version of heaven, "there is no sin in heaven" Sin is a byproduct of free will, And thus the passage should be changed to "There is no free will in heaven"
If that be true, I'd rather spend my afterlife in hell, at least id still have my free will and not be a mindless slave.