...except they do. See: Anti-Balaka; Central African Rubublic, Congo, for example. They also practice stonings and burn witches, fyi - supported and funded by several western churches, surprisingly often by Methodists.
Not trying to excuse Islam and those "ain't has nothing to do with religion, shut up"-idiots, btw, just saying: Just because one is extremely prominent, it doesn't mean all other fanatics are suddenly peaceful and good.
Actually, most of those were caused by the branches of Catholic Churches, similar to Christian Churches, but very different. And the Witch Trials were done by everyone in the old days. It wasn't specific to the Church
And the christians.In Papua New Guinea, the Christian parts of Indonesia and several african countries, f.e. Congo is one of the worst. In fact, there are even parts of africa where christian militias hunt and behead/burn muslims. As I said - violent fanatics are evil no matter how they call their god.