No, she's not. I figure all her paid speeches to Wall Street firms and banks might have put paid to that. Not one shred of evidence was brought up that indicated anything nefarious about Benghazi; even the Republicans in Congress have dropped that issue. Whitewater was nearly a quarter-century ago and nothing came of that (Vince Foster was a suicide). The e-mail fiasco proved she was stupidly sloppy, not that she's a criminal. Chinagate? Not heard of that one and I'm on top of the media (of all kinds).
Trump has two programs he's announced: building a wall on the border and banning Muslims from entering the US, and he's given few details on those. The wall would be horrendously expensive and the ban would be unconstitutional. There is a net flow of Mexicans FROM the United States TO Mexico the last few years - their economy is vastly improving. I'm more afraid of terrorism from right-wing Americans should Hillary win than I am from Islamic State or al-Qaeda. Other than those his programs seem to be summed up as "I'm the greatest at 'x', elect me president and I'll get 'y' done". Okay, get it done how? I don't for a second believe Trump is running because he loves his country, he's running because he loves himself. But I'm not worried, he won't win. Everytime he opens his gob he knocks his polling downwards.
Are you bitter because I trashed Men Without Hats?