I, for one, thing gender is BS. Gender is mostly based on stereotypes, so people identify as a women if they act like a stereotypical woman, and same for men. It's the reason a lot of people change genders, becuase they wan't to be comfortable in their body, so if they identify as a woman (because of social stereotypes) but are biologically male, the will change to female.
I believe people should identify as their biological sex. I don't identify as a male because i feel manly. If anything, I fit more as a stereotypical female. I identify as male because i am biologically male. Nothing else.
That is why i think genderfluidity is kinda stupid. Gender is based on stereotypes of how men and women act. I'm ASSUMING gender fluid people dont identify as either, or fit into both male and female stereotypes, so they try to figure out what they are from day to day.
Gender is dumb, stereotypes cause problems.