The problem has to do with where original memes get placed when featured. All of mine were on pages 9 or later the moment they were featured, instead of the first couple pages like all other memes. Even with the wait time, prior to changes being made to the site, this didn't use to happen. The problem is not the wait time, although it is annoying to have a meme sit for +6 hours before getting featured, it was that way when I first joined a year ago. The best I configure after extended research is that memes get a number of where they will be placed. They keep that number even if other memes start getting featured before it does. With an average of 30 memes being submitted every hour, it is real easy for a meme that waits 6 hours to have over 120 memes featured before it, which would mean being placed on page 9. Dispite what people think, this does effect the exposure of the meme. I had regular memes that didn't do too well still get more attention in the first 24 hours than any of my original memes. New users or users who don't have much exposure lost a chance at a lot of points because of this. So if this didn't use to be a problem, why are so many people opposed to having it fixed and back to the way it was?