Do you have selective hearing? Trump definitely said he would bomb the sh-t out of them until there was nothing left. He even continued by saying that Exxon would come in, clean everything up, and then Trump would take all the oil.
Trump said these things. We aren't making crap up. The guy straight up made fun of handicap people, has described women by numerous derogatory comments, referred to Mexicans as rapists (And he's sure that very few of them are good), and he has said tons of things recently inciting violence at his rallies. It's not a media twist. These are the words straight out of the mouth of Trump.
And we're not even touching up on the character of Trump. He has insulted entire countries, including and not limited to China, Mexico, and Japan. I'm currently stationed outside of Tokyo, and the Japanese are baffled by his comments and rising popularity. If Trump wins the election, he would represent America to all countries around the globe, including the ones he has insulted up to this point.
On top of that, he cheated on his first wife, knocked up second wife while cheating on first, and left second to be with third, who used to pose nude. He owns strip clubs, which both objectifies women and preys upon weak-minded men. He's filed for bankruptcy 4 times, and claims that he was great in his bankrupting.
He's just a walking, talking ball of gas. He doesn't care for anyone but himself and his name. I wouldn't be surprised if his whole campaign was simply a giant Trump advertisement.
And lastly, Trump is a hypocrite to the extreme degree. He was funding Hillary for years, and even said while she was running for president last time in 2008 that she would "make a great president".
So... context. How many ridiculous quotes do you have to hear from Trump to realize that he's ridiculous?